Until a week ago I stuck to LinuxMint 13 based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. That still is a well maintained distro. However, applications increasingly move on to more recent versions, which gradually caused conflicts and annoyances. Over a year ago I already had tried to upgrade to LinuxMint 17. But then I ran into trouble […]
Berichten in de categorie Open-source:
Over FOSS, internet en social media
Het had enige voeten in de aarde. Maar inmiddels is de verhuizing compleet naar mijn eigen VPS bij TransIP. Met hartelijke dank aan Sonad voor de professionele hulp daarbij. ‘Verhuizen’ houdt in: een nieuwe Ubuntu server-omgeving inrichten, inclusief de Postfix mailserver (een produkt van Friesland), deze website met WordPress en al overzetten, de oude website […]
Big Brother rechts ingehaald
De werkelijkheid zoals George Orwell die voorspiegelde in zijn boek 1984 is in onze tijd akelig herkenbaar en bijna gemeengoed geworden. Maar in 1948 kon hij nog niet voorzien welke enorme technische mogelijkheden er in 2015 beschikbaar zouden zijn. Het is een stuk erger geworden dan hij durfde dromen, zelfs in niet-totalitaire staten. Alleen wat […]
Updating LibreOffice
Updating LibreOffice has its own pecularities. You can set it to automatic, but that may or may not work. Not on my LinuxMint system. You can make it warn you when updates are available, so you can manually download and install these. In my case: install the appropriate deb packages., which takes a wee bit […]
Secure & easy messaging
I never really got on Facebook, I deleted my LinkedIn account long ago and recently I dumped Twitter too. But I do like WhatsApp-like messaging. If only it was not for WhatsApp… Even Dutch intelligence service AIVD says we should not use it. Read my comparison between WhatsApp and Telegram (in Dutch, the mother of […]
AMD Radeon Driver Update
Using a value graphic card and dual value monitors, I should not beg for much. I know. But having my display torn and messed up regularly, only working with a couple of windows open, is too much the other way. My specs are an AMD Radeon HD 5450 PCIe graphic card with 1GB of memory, […]
Simple OCR
Sometimes you need to work with texts that only come printed. Or you may want to insert parts of a book into a document. This is where OCR comes in: scanning a printed text and converting it into an editable text file. Of course there is proprietary software to do the job, e.g. ABBYY FineReader. […]
OpenStreetMap & Garmin
This summer I tested my new Garmin eTrex 20x handheld GPS. It comes at just under € 200 and already has some (basic) maps on board. However, since I really like the OpenStreetMap project, I installed these on the MicroSD card. Earlier I have written about the pleasures of OpenStreetMap (in Dutch). So far I […]
PDF forms and Linux
Buying or booking online may require filling in a PDF form and sending it back. But how to fill it in if you are not on Windows using Adobe software? Actually that is a problem, but there is a workaround. The PDF form specification is kept carefully hidden by Adobe. So there are no open-source […]
Windows X privacy
Er is nogal wat te doen rond de privacy van gebruikers van Windows 10 (zie mijn voorgaande bericht). Microsoft heeft daarop geantwoord en dat is positief. Ze proberen nu toch te luisteren naar klanten en dat is wel anders geweest. Maar beantwoorden ze de kritiek nu ook werkelijk? Het lijkt inmiddels middeleeuwse theologie te worden: […]